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Why Was Queen Victoria Such A Prude?

“What is history, but a set of lies agreed upon?” – Napoleon Bonaparte

At least, we think it was him. This quote is traditionally attributed to Napoleon, but ironically it’s not really clear whether or not he ever actually said it.

As it turns out, a great many things which we think we know about history often turn out to be myths, misunderstandings, or outright fictions. For example…

• When was the Great Wall of China built?

• Who defeated the Spanish Armada?

• Did Lady Godiva really parade nude through Coventry?

• Who was the rightful king of England in 1066?

• Who was the first (and only) Emperor of the USA?

• When was the first world war? (Hint: it’s not when you think)

Why Was Queen Victoria Such a Prude? is the latest fascinating book in a long-running series from bestselling writer David Haviland. This time the focus is on history, as Haviland explores the entire history of human civilisation, from the Trojan Wars all the way up to the 21st century!


"David Haviland puts the fun back into history with this trivia packed guide that highlights some 'morsels of misinformation' that have made it into far too many history books... The long and short of it is, this is a jolly fun read that will delight even those who think that history is nothing more than a giant yawn. After reading this book, you'll discover that there is a lot more to history than dates and memorization. The sections are short and pithy and are ideal for simply skipping around and reading any topic that happens to strike your fancy, or you can read it straight through. Either way, you are in for a treat. Not only will you find this to be an entertaining book, but also a painlessly educational one as well!""

History In Review

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